Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

50 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I hope you had the opportunity to view my previous post (December 9th), which was a recent video three years after my first surgery.  If you have not, scroll down and take a look.  The video posted here allows you to see how much hair loss I had experienced prior to my surgery in 2012.  I'm sure you will appreciate the difference in the amount of hair I have today!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

48 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I'm posting a two minute video showing my progress over the past three years!  The lighting isn't the greatest but I think you can see my hair well enough and can see the progress.  The video opens with a picture on my computer taken the day of my first surgery in September 2012.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Posting video soon!

I just made a video showing my progress since my last surgery.  I will be uploading it to my blog in the next couple days.  So....check back each day!

Friday, November 20, 2015

45 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I'm currently working on a video that I will upload very soon, so watch for that in the coming days!

Also, I noticed my blog gets a lot more views when Michele is in the picture!!!  So....lets see if this post is viewed a bunch of times!  The picture on the left is from 2012.  I think I look much younger in the photo on the right?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

43 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Pictures of Michele and I.  One is from 2012 and the other was taken at a similar event in 2014.  I think you will notice the difference in my appearance.  Michele ALWAYS looks great!  We've been married for 22 years!

Monday, October 19, 2015

41 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I thought I would post another picture from the International Hair Restoration Conference.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

38 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a couple of pictures from the International Hair Restoration Conference.  The picture on the left is from the conference in 2012 in the Bahamas and the other was taken last month in Chicago.

Monday, September 14, 2015

36 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I just returned from the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) Conference in Chicago.  Dr. Vories brought me to Chicago so I could participate in the "Live Viewing" part of the conference.  As many of you know, I attended the same conference with Dr. Vories five weeks after my first surgery in October of 2012 when it was located in the Bahamas. 

Today I'm posting a picture from that conference and another from this past Saturday in Chicago.  There were about 600 hair surgeons from around the world at the conference.  It was very reassuring hearing so many doctors congratulating me and especially Dr. Vories on his great work.  Many examined my head with their hands, combs, and flash lights.  They were most impressed with the lack of visible scarring and how well my donor areas had recovered.  The hair growth speaks for itself!!!!

2012 Conference (Bahamas)
2015 Conference (Chicago)

Saturday, September 5, 2015

34 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a picture from 2012, the day of my surgery, and a recent picture with wet hair that highlights my new hair line!  Pretty impressive!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

New pictures!

I will be attending the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) with Dr. Vories in Chicago next month.  I attended the conference in 2012 after my first surgery.  I will be on display for the hair surgeons to see my progress and answer any questions.  I had pictures taken yesterday and will post new photos today or tomorrow.  So...check back!!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

28 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

How do you like this for progress?  September 2012 vs. July 2015.  Thank you  Dr. Vories!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

26 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

My hair seems to be "thickening" since my last surgery in January where 2,000 grafts were placed in the front.

Friday, June 26, 2015

24 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Recent picture on the right.  The picture on the left was prior to first surgery 2012.  Still waiting on the January surgery hair to fill in.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

22 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

After having my second surgery in January, I now feel as though all of my hair from my first surgery has grown out to the length prior to January.  Remember, I had 5,125 total grafts transplanted in 2012.  I'm still patiently waiting on my new hair to start growing.  Some may have already started growing because its difficult to see among the hairs from my first surgery.  Here's what I have to look forward to.  These are the hair counts for my surgery in January.

2,004 total Grafts (3,409 hairs)
  • 831 - Singles
  • 949 - Doubles
  • 216 - Triples
  • 8- Quads
This picture shows the dramatic results of my first surgery.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

20 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today, I'm posting a picture prior to my first surgery in September 2012.  The second photo was taken about a year ago.

Monday, May 25, 2015

19 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Posting a couple pictures today from 2012 and a current picture.  Still waiting for the new 2,000 grafts to appear from my second surgery in January.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

18 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Dr. Vories was in Louisville on business and had the opportunity to look at my head after our second surgery in January.  My new 2,000 grafts have not surfaced yet but he did say that my scalp was still reddish and still showing signs of what he called "percolation".  I expect the new grafts to come through very soon. I also apparently experienced some shock-out of my original transplanted hair.  Most of that has resurfaced and is growing back in nicely.  Today I'm posting an original photo from September 2012 prior to my first surgery and a recent photo.

Friday, May 8, 2015

17 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a left oblique angle photo.  Dr. Vories is traveling through Kentucky and will be meeting with me to talk about my progress and expectations following my second surgery.  I was a guest of his at the International Hair Convention in 2012 five weeks after my 5,125 graft surgery.  The plan is to attend the 2015 convention this October in Chicago.

Monday, May 4, 2015

16 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

The picture posted today shows the left side of my donor area.  Keep in mind that I've had two surgeries with a total of over 7,000 grafts.  It would be safe to say that about 2,000 grafts came from this side of my head.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

15 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Front view 15 weeks after my second surgery.  I'm looking forward to the 2,000 grafts appearing very soon.  I expect to see the new hairs surfacing in May!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

13 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a picture of my left oblique side.  You can see how my hair from my first surgery is growing back in.  I'm looking forward to seeing the most recent 2,000 grafts begin to grow.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

12 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I've been very busy every day taking care of my very ill mother and have not taken the time to post pictures.  This is a "selfie" of my hair growing back in from the surgery two years ago.  I'll post a before and after soon.  I'm hoping the new 2,000 graphs start appearing soon.  Based on my own blog, the first transplant became evident around the four month mark.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

69 Days since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Here's a picture of my donor area from the back.  Keep in mind, I've had over 7,000 grafts transplanted since 2012.  Dr. Vories continues to be impressed with my donor area.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

63 Days since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a picture of the LEFT side of mydonor area.  Keep in mind, I had 5,125 total grafts transplanted in 2012 (over 11,000 hairs) and most recently, 2,000 more grafts.  Isn't it amazing how resilient the donor area can be and how it can recover after giving up a large percentage of these grafts?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

52 Days after My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a picture of the top of my head 52 days after my 2nd surgery in January.  The second picture is about the same amount of time after my 1st surgery in 2012.

52 days (2015)

49 days (2012)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

45 Days after My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

 The picture on the left was day 13 prior to "shock-out" and the picture on the right was day 40.  I'll be posting new photos in the next couple days.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

40 Days after My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting two pictures.  The first picture shows my left side donor area 14 days after surgery.  The second photo is the same area after 40 days.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

33 Days after my 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a picture taken immediately after the second surgery on January 10th.  The other picture is a "selfie" taken this morning.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

29 Days after my 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I'm posting this picture of my donor area prior to the 2nd surgery.  If you ever wondered if you could see any scarring from FUE, here's good proof that you can't!  Remember, I had over 5,000 grafts removed from donor areas in 2012.  NO scarring is visible!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

26 Days after my 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting pictures of my left side with the intention of showing you how quickly your head heals.  The first picture was taken 2 days after surgery.  The second picture was taken 14 days after surgery and the third was taken 26 days after surgery.  Also notice the hair growth covering my donor area.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

22 days after my 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

The inevitable may be occurring.  I'm experiencing some "shock-out".  I knew this would occur.  When I look back at my own blog two years ago, I started noticing and documenting shock-out around day 25 after the surgery.  I know the new transplanted hair will go through that transition period of dormancy and will begin producing a new hair in several months.  It's certainly not a big price to pay because the results will be great!!  The picture on the left is Day 13 and the picture on the right is Day 22.  Notice the healing process.