Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

20 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today, I'm posting a picture prior to my first surgery in September 2012.  The second photo was taken about a year ago.

Monday, May 25, 2015

19 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Posting a couple pictures today from 2012 and a current picture.  Still waiting for the new 2,000 grafts to appear from my second surgery in January.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

18 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Dr. Vories was in Louisville on business and had the opportunity to look at my head after our second surgery in January.  My new 2,000 grafts have not surfaced yet but he did say that my scalp was still reddish and still showing signs of what he called "percolation".  I expect the new grafts to come through very soon. I also apparently experienced some shock-out of my original transplanted hair.  Most of that has resurfaced and is growing back in nicely.  Today I'm posting an original photo from September 2012 prior to my first surgery and a recent photo.

Friday, May 8, 2015

17 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a left oblique angle photo.  Dr. Vories is traveling through Kentucky and will be meeting with me to talk about my progress and expectations following my second surgery.  I was a guest of his at the International Hair Convention in 2012 five weeks after my 5,125 graft surgery.  The plan is to attend the 2015 convention this October in Chicago.

Monday, May 4, 2015

16 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

The picture posted today shows the left side of my donor area.  Keep in mind that I've had two surgeries with a total of over 7,000 grafts.  It would be safe to say that about 2,000 grafts came from this side of my head.