Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!

Friday, November 20, 2015

45 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I'm currently working on a video that I will upload very soon, so watch for that in the coming days!

Also, I noticed my blog gets a lot more views when Michele is in the picture!!!  So....lets see if this post is viewed a bunch of times!  The picture on the left is from 2012.  I think I look much younger in the photo on the right?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

43 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Pictures of Michele and I.  One is from 2012 and the other was taken at a similar event in 2014.  I think you will notice the difference in my appearance.  Michele ALWAYS looks great!  We've been married for 22 years!