Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

15 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Front view 15 weeks after my second surgery.  I'm looking forward to the 2,000 grafts appearing very soon.  I expect to see the new hairs surfacing in May!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

13 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

Today I'm posting a picture of my left oblique side.  You can see how my hair from my first surgery is growing back in.  I'm looking forward to seeing the most recent 2,000 grafts begin to grow.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

12 Weeks Since My 2nd FUE Hair Transplant

I've been very busy every day taking care of my very ill mother and have not taken the time to post pictures.  This is a "selfie" of my hair growing back in from the surgery two years ago.  I'll post a before and after soon.  I'm hoping the new 2,000 graphs start appearing soon.  Based on my own blog, the first transplant became evident around the four month mark.