Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

9 Weeks & 5 Days!

I'm posting a couple new pictures today.  One is a standard pose you have seen many times before.  The other is a close-up of my front hair line.  If you look close, you can see a few new hairs just starting to poke through the skin.  Although you cannot see much in the pictures, I can certainly feel new hair growth when I touch the top of my head.  My wife Michele feels the same thing and calls it "under-growth"!  She cut my hair the other day and it was the first hair cut I have had since the September 10th surgery.  My donor area looks great but needed a trim.  

I must be doing a good job of explaining the whole FUE transplant process on the blog because it has nearly 1,500 page views and no one has ever sent me a specific question.  Feel free to contact me anytime!

Friday, November 9, 2012

8 Weeks...Post-Op!!!!

Today I'm attempting to show several photos taken today November 9th, and compare them with October 10th, about a month ago.  The close up photos are of my crown area.  In the most recent one you can see many new little  hairs that have broken the surface!  The last photo is the same area of my head but a much closer image!  I'm excited to know that the new hairs appear to be growing!

October 10th


November 9th

October 10th (Crown Area)

November 9th (Crown Area)

Zoomed in Crown Area!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

7 Weeks and 3 days

I clearly can feel new hairs on the top of my head and my wife confirms it as well!  Prior to the surgery all I could feel was my scalp and a few hairs.  Now, I feel little "prickly" hairs everywhere.  I suppose they could be transplanted hairs but I believe they are new hairs.  

I haven't had a hair cut since the surgery but I'll be getting one soon.  My wife is a hair dresser so that makes it very convenient for me.  The donor area is no longer sensitive when you rub it so I consider it 95% healed at this point.  The recipient area is still a bit numb but Dr. Vories said that will remain for a little while longer.  

I'll post some new pictures soon!