Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

2 years & 12 weeks since my 2nd FUE hair transplant

I recently took Michele out for her birthday dinner and our waiter took this picture of us. Michele looks usual! We've been together now for 27 years!  It's nice to NOT be bald, when I look at these pictures! 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

2 years & 10 weeks since my 2nd FUE hair transplant

I often get questions regarding whether to pursue FUE or FUT (Strip Surgery).  It was an obvious choice for me.  I did not want an 8-inch linear scar on the back of my head.  I've had two FUE surgeries and many of you have seen the picture of my donor area just prior to my 2nd surgery.  You cannot discern any visible scarring where over 1,750 grafts were removed.  I owe this to Dr. Vories experise and technique of using implanter pins which he explains very nicely in this short (2:40) video.  You will also see Dr. Vories combing through my hair emphasizing my excellent hair growth.

FUE vs FUT Graft Survival in Hair Transplant Surgery - Michael Vories, MD from L.A. Management Company on Vimeo.