This is the first audio/video I've submitted to my blog but I wanted to give a more candid personal update on the process, my past experience, and my recently trip to the International Hair Surgery convention in the Bahamas. I know I made a lot of hair surgeons very nervous when I overtly expressed that I would never consider strip surgery and would only consider FUE! I could tell it made some of them uncomfortable but lets be honest.....what is the best procedure for the patient???? Do you want an 8 inch strip of your scalp extracted, dissected then sutured with limited number of harvested grafts? Or...would you like to move the necessary number of grafts in one procedure to the recipient area with literally no visible scarring what so ever!!!!! The choice was easy for me! Enjoy the audio blog and feel free to send me any questions you may have!
Progress is updated regularly! Check back often to see current pictures and videos!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
5 Weeks and 5 Days!
What a great weekend!!! I just returned from the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery conference that was held at Atlantis in the Bahamas. The ISHRS invited me and my wife to attend the conference as a live model and guest of Dr. Vories who performed the surgery. I was on display for all the surgeons to see. They were obviously quite impressed with the work of Dr. Vories and many of them congratulated him on the largest FUE case ever accomplished in one surgical session. The most famous hair surgeon in the world.....Dr. Lorenzo was there from Spain and offered Dr. Vories congratulations as well! The doctors were extremely impressed at how good the donor area looked after just five weeks out of surgery. For about two hours, I answered many questions regarding the procedure and Dr. Vories fielded all of the technical questions. The representatives from NeoGraft were there and were overwhelmed with the results. They mentioned that t I was even invited back to next years conference so all the surgeons could see the results after one year.
Surgeons from all over the world examined my donor areas and the recipient area. Dr. Vories even provided an instrument connected to his laptop that allowed the doctors to magnify the area and look at the individual grafts which was quite impressive.
I'm including pictures of Dr. Vories and I, surgeons examining my head, and a fun photo of me wearing a NeoGraft hat with hair attached! Who knows....this picture could be real about a year from now!!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
1 Month - 6 days!
It's been one month and six days since the surgery was completed on Sept.14th! The donor area is just slightly tender but I hardly notice it unless I rub the area. The recipient area is still a bit numb on the very top. Shock-out has occurred. My wife estimates about 75% of the transplanted hair has fallen out. I hate loosing it but at the same time I'm glad because I'm now looking forward to the new hair growing back in. I'm sure it will take 2-3 weeks to reach the surface and show evidence of growth.
My next post will be Sunday night or Monday morning and I will have lots of updated photos and video to show you, so make sure you check back by Monday afternoon. I'm spreading out the posts now because there is less to talk about and daily photos look very similar. Monday will be a great post so make sure you check back!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Day 35 (October 14th)
Some exciting news I haven't talked about until today. My wife and I will be attending the International Convention for Hair Surgeons in the Bahamas at Atlantis, the huge resort! Dr. Vories was asked to bring a patient that would be of interest to this medical community. Because my case is thought to be the largest FUE process ever completed (5,125 grafts) in one surgical session of four days.....the surgeons want to see my hair and ask me questions about the process and healing. They are sponsoring the entire trip for my wife and I to attend the conference in exchange for two hours of my time during one of the sessions! That's how much they respect Dr. Vories and the work he does! He said they know the results will be great....they are especially interested in seeing my donor area after such a huge procedure. I think they will be surprised because after just four weeks, my donor area looks like nothing was ever done to it! It's pretty amazing when you realize that over 11,000 hairs were removed and you cannot even tell they are gone.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
4 Weeks Post-Op! (Oct. 11th)
Four weeks since surgery was completed at Carolina Hair Surgery! Tomorrow is actually the 4 week anniversary but I won't be able to post on my blog tomorrow. If you go back and review pictures and video from the beginning of this journey.....I think you will agree, the progress and healing is amazing! The donor area is still slightly tender but its unnoticeable unless I rub my head, scratch my head, etc. I know I'm experiencing some "shock-out" hair loss, but that is totally expected. Actually I'm glad its happening now so I can look forward to the new growth!
I'm going to attach a bunch of pictures and a video because we are at the one month milestone!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Day 28 (Oct. 7th)
I do believe reality is setting in. My wife and I agree that I may be experiencing the expected occurrence called "shock-out". Some of my recipient hair may have fallen out. I know this is the inevitable result and I know the new hair will grow in behind it but I'm still saddened a bit. I've grown attached to it! I just wish it was just as attached (permanently) to me! I'm having fun with it and I know I have to be patient. Good results will come in due time!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Day 27 (Oct. 6th)
Dr. Vories called me this morning checking on my progress. He was on his long drive from his Charlotte SC clinic back to Charleston . He reminded me that the appearance of a slight sun burn should be visible in the recipient area. As you can see in the previous days photos, there is a slight redness on my head. This was more pronounced several days ago and appears to be fading more and more each day.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Day 26 (Oct. 5th)
Everything is about the same. I am adding some additional pictures taken today. You can see everything is looking quite well. I've probably experienced some "shock-out" but not "SHOCK and AWE!" It's hard for me to determine but my wife thinks I've lost some hair. Still feels pretty good to me when I touch the top of my head!!!!!
Day 25 (Oct. 4th)
Another uneventful day. The tenderness seems to fade a bit each day but I have detected several very small pimples which are located mostly in the donor area in the back. I started going places without a hat on today and the people I typically see on a regular basis didn't notice a thing. It looks like I just have a very close haircut. Pretty amazing after having over 10,000 holes placed in my head a little over three weeks ago!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Day 24 (Oct. 3rd)
Spoke to Dr. Vories and he assured me that pimples on my head are a direct result of the surgery. He said it is very common and they will go away on their own and for me not to bother them. He said these are typical in-grown hairs. You can imagine...with 5,125 grafts averaging two hairs per graft, the potential to have a few in-grown hairs resulting in pimples is expected. I'm sure I can handle it!
Day 23 (Oct. 2nd)
Practiced golf at an indoor practice facility. I took my hat off and showed them my head. Only one of the guys new that I had the surgery. I really don't think they would have noticed other than having what looks like a military or "burr" haircut. Its pretty amazing how much I've healed in just three weeks, especially when you think about the fact that I have over 10,000 new holes in my head!
Day 22 (Oct. 1st)
Really nothing new to report today. The healing continues and the sensitivity of the donor area seems to be a little less tender each day. It really doesn't bother me. I typically notice it only when I wear a hat or lay my head down on the pillow at night to go to sleep. I have noticed a couple small pimples on my head. I'm going to ask Dr. Vories if that is a typical occurrence associated with the surgery.
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