What a great weekend!!! I just returned from the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery conference that was held at Atlantis in the Bahamas. The ISHRS invited me and my wife to attend the conference as a live model and guest of Dr. Vories who performed the surgery. I was on display for all the surgeons to see. They were obviously quite impressed with the work of Dr. Vories and many of them congratulated him on the largest FUE case ever accomplished in one surgical session. The most famous hair surgeon in the world.....Dr. Lorenzo was there from Spain and offered Dr. Vories congratulations as well! The doctors were extremely impressed at how good the donor area looked after just five weeks out of surgery. For about two hours, I answered many questions regarding the procedure and Dr. Vories fielded all of the technical questions. The representatives from NeoGraft were there and were overwhelmed with the results. They mentioned that t I was even invited back to next years conference so all the surgeons could see the results after one year.
Surgeons from all over the world examined my donor areas and the recipient area. Dr. Vories even provided an instrument connected to his laptop that allowed the doctors to magnify the area and look at the individual grafts which was quite impressive.
I'm including pictures of Dr. Vories and I, surgeons examining my head, and a fun photo of me wearing a NeoGraft hat with hair attached! Who knows....this picture could be real about a year from now!!!!
I really enjoyed reading this post, big fan. Keep up the good work andplease tell me when can you publish more articles or where can I read more on the subject? Haarimplantate
ReplyDeleteL’un de ces développements mentionnés est la technique de greffe de cheveux turquie Cette technique avancée est réalisée avec des instruments spéciaux produits à partir d’une pierre précieuse, appelée saphir
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ReplyDeleteEst-ce que la greffe de cheveux est douloureuse ?