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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 8 (Sept. 17)

Sunday night was the most difficult night so far.  It actually was VERY painful.  I took my meds too late in the evening and the pain was quite extreme.  I thought I could be a hero and fight through the pain but that was a major mistake.  I finally got to sleep about 2:30am.  I talked to Dr. Vories the next day and described my night.  He informed me that I MUST take the meds when I feel the pain coming on or I will experience a lot of discomfort. He told me to "not be a hero" and take the hydrocodone as instructed. I decided to heed his advice because last night was horrific!  I have to realize that I have over 10,000 holes in my head from the surgery.  An unprecedented amount according to Dr. V.

You can see the "puffy" eyes and face in the photos.  No pain at all but it just looks swollen.

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