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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 9 (Sept. 18)

Had a much better night now that I have figured out how to regulate the meds.  I took the Hydrocodone about 9:30pm so I was pain free by the time I laid down about 11pm.  It is still difficult to lay my head on the pillow to find a comfortable position.  It takes a little maneuvering but I'm able to manage.

During the day I worked on the computer.  I teach for 3 universities online so I was reading and grading assignments from students all day.  I'm still trying to take it easy each day during this initial healing process.  I am retired but I think I can say with confidence that I could have been back to work had I needed to.  As long as the pain meds are available, I think anyone could be working through this.  I would suggest wearing the surgical cap because your head still looks a bit unpleasant, especially in the donor area.

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